Industry News

Infection Control Conference Scheduled for January

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) has opened registration for its Dental Infection Control Boot Camp, scheduled for January 27 to January 29, 2019, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile. The conference will feature national and international experts in dental infection prevention and safety.

“Dental Infection Control Boot Camp is a fantastic fundamental-level course that gives participants a comprehensive review of all the basics in dental infection control, including employee and patient safety,” said Michelle Lee, OSAP executive director. “Our goal is to ensure that attendees leave Boot Camp feeling educated and empowered to be infection control champions when they return to their dental offices.” 

Upon completion of the course, OSAP says, participants will be able to:

  • Describe disease transmission and principles of infection prevention and control in a variety of oral healthcare settings
  • Identify relevant infection control laws, regulations, guidelines, standards, and best practices
  • Use quality assurance measures such as direct observation and feedback to ensure accurate implementation of recommended infection control practices

The conference will provide information and resources to help attendees better address infection prevention and safety challenges in their own practices. Attendees also will be able to network with those who share their interests.

The Dental Infection Boot Camp offers more than 25 hours of continuing education credit. Each attendee will receive a copy of the newly updated OSHA & CDC Guidelines: OSAP Interact Training System sixth edition workbook, checklists, tools, and more. Plus, OSAP will offer the TeamSTEPPS pre-conference workshop on Sunday, January 26. 

Early-bird rates will be available through October 31. For more information, visit

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