Industry News

Injunction Issued Against Alleged Snap-On Smile Counterfeiters

The US District Court in Chicago has issued an injunction against more than 500 alleged counterfeiters of DenMat’s patented Snap-On Smile dental appliances.

The court determined that DenMat is likely to succeed on the merits of its lawsuit and ordered the defendant counterfeiters to stop selling Snap-On Smile knockoffs, the company said. Also, the court allowed DenMat to freeze the assets of the counterfeiters for seizure to compensate the company for their illegal conduct, DenMat said.

“We are pleased by the court’s decision that will help us ensure that our dentist customers, and their patients, enjoy only genuine DenMat Snap-On Smile dental appliances made right here in California rather than imitation products with unknown manufacturing origins,” said David Casper, DenMat’s CEO.

“In addition, as we aggressively enforce our intellectual property rights, the court’s order will enable us to obtain money damages from the defendants to discourage them and others from marketing and selling Snap-On Smile knockoffs,” Casper said.

Since 2010, DenMat said, it has been the only source for authentic Snap-On Smile dental appliances, which it custom manufactures at its headquarters in Santa Barbara County in California. DenMat has owned the Snap-On Smile trademark for more than a decade as well as three United States patents covering Snap-On Smile and pending patent applications.

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