Industry News

Instructional Digital Camera Video Available in Multiple Languages

Shofu Dental Corporation has released the instructional video for its EyeSpecial C-II digital dental camera in multiple languages, including French, Portuguese, and Spanish. The video teaches clinicians, dental staff, and laboratory technicians how to incorporate the camera into their operatory or laboratory using the best clinical standards and techniques, according to the company.

The EyeSpecial C-II is designed for clinical photography, dental and orthodontic case documentation, lab collaboration, and patient communication and education. It includes a 12-Mpixel sensor and a high-performance, 49-mm close-up lens. Also, its panaoramic LCD touchscreen enables users to view and scroll through images with or without gloves.

Additionally, the EyeSpecial C-II offers 8 preset dental shooting modes along with intuitive one-touch operations. According to Shofu, it has exceptional depth-of-field range, fast autofocus, and anti-shake capabilities for true-color reproduction. Users can activate its spot-focus function by tapping a finger on the screen. Also, users can crop grid lines from their images.

The camera does not require any technical knowledge for operation, so clinical photography tasks can be delegated to other members of the staff. Its unique draw/edit function streamlines the sharing of information, office-laboratory collaboration, and patient communication. And, the EyeSpecial C-II enables users to add notes to images, which is useful in discussing treatment options and tracking progress between treatments, increasing satisfaction and case acceptance.

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