Irrigation Solution Disinfects Without Demineralization


Typically, dentists need to use ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and then chlorhexidine (CHX) to irrigate, clean, and disinfect root canals. Irritrol from Essential Dental Systems (EDS), though, turns that process into a single step used as a final rinse after sodium hypochlorite.

And while EDTA can chelate away calcium ions and leave the dentinal surface severely eroded, Irritrol does not include high concentrations of the acid. So, it can efficiently remove the smear layer less aggressively than conventional irrigants.

“Traditional irrigants typically use concentrated solutions of EDTA (17%) to remove smear layer, resulting in highly demineralized dentin,” said Carrie Moncrieffe, marketing manager at EDS. “With its proprietary blend of surfactants and chealtors that work together in synergy, Irritrol can accomplish a highly efficient removal of smear layer without excessive demineralization.”

Furthermore, independent testing by Nelson Labs (time kill study protocol #STP0158) shows that Irritrol has a disinfection rate of 99.99% and disinfects against Enterococcus faecalis better than 2% CHX alone, which only removes about 25% of bacteria.

The pre-mixed solution is available now. For more information, call (201) 487-9090 or go to

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