For the past 3 years, as implant editor of Dentistry Today, I have had the honor and privilege to be a part of the editorial team in reviewing many articles and to work with wonderful and dedicated clinical authors. The Implants Today section has an incredible advisory board, consisting of some of the top implant dentists in the country; Dr. Damon Adams and I have worked with these board members (many of whom have contributed excellent content for publication over the years) and wish to thank them for their time and effort. The editorial team at Dentistry Today, and Dr. Adams especially, have been amazing to work with and supportive of all my efforts in my position as the implant editor. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and changes in my professional life and schedule, this will be my last introduction as the implant editor. It has been an honor.
Over the past 36 issues, so many areas of implant treatment have been covered. The topics have ranged from surgical and prosthetic techniques to treatment planning and implant practice principles. Looking back, the most surprising thing for me is how diversified and interesting implant dentistry can be. As a clinician who is very involved in implant dentistry, I know that this arena must encompass knowledge in every aspect of dentistry for treatment success.
Also, as an author, I can appreciate how much time it takes to write an article and have it reviewed and considered for publication in Dentistry Today! Writing a clinical article takes passion, organization, and a commitment to share with others. In the spirit of the season, this is a form of giving back to the profession, and I want to take this opportunity to encourage others to share their knowledge and talents by writing and submitting articles to Dentistry Today and other publications.
This month continues to reflect a variety in topics with 3 great articles that cover different aspects of implant dentistry: Drs. Tim Kosinski and Stephanie Tilley share a case report dealing with a patient who, like so many others, wanted to move from a removable to an implant-supported prosthesis; Dr. Calvin Bessonet et al present an article about innovations in extraction techniques and implant design; and Dr. Justin Chi talks about basic implant dentistry with the GP in mind.
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