Table of Contents

Jan/Feb 2023

To Splint, or Not to Splint?

Drs. Craig M. Misch and Maggie A. Misch-Haring discuss the sometimes-controversial dilemma of restoring adjacent implants in the partially edentulous patient.

Minimally Invasive Bonded Bridges vs Implants

Drs. Jose-Luis Ruiz and Raymond L. Bertolotti look at implant placement and ponder if it may be time for astute professionals to consider minimally invasive bonded bridges as a first-choice option in certain clinical circumstances.

Use of Minimally Invasive Techniques and Antimicrobial Agents to Treat Rampant Caries

Dr. Yuval Wind presents a minimally invasive treatment that includes direct and indirect restorations in a patient with rampant caries. The direct restorations were carried out with a new composite and bonding system containing antibacterial material.

Using a Printed, Ceramic-Based Resin for Anterior and Posterior Final Crowns

Drs. Sarah Jockin, Thanos T. Kristallis, and Gregori M. Kurtzman discuss new ceramic resins that have been introduced for use with printers. When used in restorations, they are a more durable material compared to previously used printed resins.

How Digital Dentistry Overcomes Everyday Challenges for Every Dentist

Dr. Hugh Flax shows how your team can scan a patient’s mouth and put digital files into design software, digitally wax up new teeth, and print a model in less than 90 minutes. The time- and cost-savings can be of great help in treating an emergency patient.

Efficient and Predictable Composite Smile Makeovers

Dr. Thomas Sealey introduces a new matrix/guided delivery system of composite restorations using a unique stent, allowing dentists to feel very confident in offering this type of treatment modality.

FOCUS ON: Changing Dental Insurance Nationally

Dr. Mouhab Rizkallah, DDS, MSD, explains what to expect after he personally authored, funded, and won the first dental ballot law in history—described as a “watershed moment for the nation” by the ADA president.

VIEWPOINT: Endodontic and Malpractice Risk Management