Table of Contents

January 2020

Interdisciplinary Endodontics

Dr. John West discusses principles that lead to endodontic predictability and shares several long-term interdisciplinary results where endodontics provided the missing link.

Mastering Irrigation in Endodontics, Part 2
Dr. Carlos A. Spironelli Ramos presents techniques to properly clean the root canal system.

Full-Arch Implant Surgical and Restorative Considerations: Innovative Digital Workflow Using a Verification Jig With Teeth

Drs. Scott D. Ganz and Isaac Tawil share innovations to improve workflow and to ensure success with single and dual full-arch implant reconstructions.

Maxillary Osteotomy Implant Site Preparation: A Less Traumatic and Safer Approach
Drs. Pavel Krastev, Gregori M. Kurtzman, Arun K. Garg, Sherif Radwan, and Kevin Frawley introduce a new and safer approach to implant site preparation in the maxilla.

Tooth Repair Using a Bioactive Restorative

Drs. Theodore P. Croll and Nathaniel C. Lawson talk about a technique for adolescent patients using a bioactive material.

Supragingival Dentistry for Aesthetic Rehabilitations: Implementing the 3 Golden Rules of Occlusion

Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz shares how he implemented minimally invasive principles into a recent rehabilitation case.

Controversies in Coding: Provisionals and Interims

Focus On: Mommy Dentists in Business