Predictable Sinus Augmentation: Viable Options for the General Practitioner
Drs. Stephanie F. Tilley and Timothy F. Kosinski review the clinical details of implant placement in the posterior maxilla. They discuss procedures that are available to build the hard tissue properly in this area using a variety of grafting materials. With the proper tools, the site can be safely investigated and the surgical boney incisions carefully completed.
The Quaternary Axiom: Implantology Conformity System
Dr. Robert Stanley explores how 4 core key treatment axioms—implant location, design, guided surgery, and timing—work together to promote longevity and success in implant dentistry.
Simplifying Restoration for the Full-Arch Implant Patient
Drs. Michael Klein, Allon Waltuch, and Tuviah Shulman share a simple, efficient workflow that completes the restorative procedure for a full-arch, implant-supported restoration in as little as 2 to 3 appointments. It is an open solution available for most implant systems.
Ceramic Implants and Dental Implant Rehabilitation, Part III
Drs. Yuriy May, Sammy Noumbissi, and Varo Boyer detail a case illustrating a full-mouth reconstruction with the use of 100% metal-free zirconia dental implants to achieve a predictable and clinically optimal result.
Single-Visit Treatment of a Failed Endodontically Treated Crown Using 3D Printing
Drs. Arash Hosseini and Gregori M. Kurtzman discuss how the utilization of a new ceramic printed resin permits fabrication of single-appointment, definitive restorations.
Holocaust Survivors’ Care Through Patient-Centered Trauma Informed Training
New Jersey’s Rutgers School of Dental Medicine has a special program called the Holocaust Survivors Program (HSP). Established in November 2020, the HSP offers complimentary dental care to survivors of the Holocaust and is led by licensed dentists and board-certified specialists. Here, Drs. John T. Moran, Michael Conte, and Howard Drew and Ms. Carolina Vega share a few case examples from the treatment program.
FOCUS ON: Advanced Education for Dentists
Amy Morgan, vice president, practice growth strategy at Spear Education, discusses key strategies to drive dental practice excellence in 2025.
VIEWPOINT: Is Dentistry Ready to Assume its Rightful Place in Healthcare?