Today's Dental News

Judge Declares End to Lawsuit Regarding California Prison Dental Care

Dental care in California prisons is apparently now up to standards.

A federal judge ended a lawsuit brought against California prisons on the basis that inmates receive poor dental care. The original suit was filed seven years ago but the conditions have since improved.

US District Court Judge Jeffrey White dismissed the case earlier this week because of the requests of the attorneys representing the state and inmates.

The California inmates now have access to care that would be considered constitutionally adequate. There is a little more work that will be done on the facilities, which will be completed in May 2014, according to the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation.

There were 33 adult prisons that were inspected as part of this lawsuit. The dental programs at these prisons were up to par to the tune of receiving a grade of 98 percent.

The dental programs have gotten better because lower level criminals are now under county jurisdiction thanks to a recent law change.