Table of Contents

July/August 2022

Make Broken Files Your Ex-Files: Tips and Tricks to Avoid Instrumentation Errors

Dr. Joseph C. Stern explains how the dreaded file separation can be experienced by anyone performing root canal therapy. He discusses not how to deal with file separation, but rather how to avoid it in the first place.

Aesthetic Transformations Utilizing Zirconia Implants

Dr. Paresh Patel shows an upper central incisor replacement with entirely metal-free prosthetics. Tissue management is also explained and is a factor in producing truly lifelike results.

Subperiosteal Implant: Still a Viable Treatment for Atrophic Mandibles

Dr. Edward R. Kusek notes that the subperiosteal implant is technique-sensitive and is not taught in many educational avenues anymore. For the severely resorbed mandible, it continues to be a great option.

Six-Year Followup of a Semi-direct, Large Posterior Restoration

Dr. Mauricio Watanabe, Dr. Renata Parpinelli de Oliveira, Mr. João Fernando Vicente, and Mr. Luiz Heinrich Martins Watanabe follow a case using indirect methods to create a restoration in the orifice with a nanohybrid composite that has a high filler content.

Minor Dental Changes With Major Impact

Drs. Simona Cuevas and Christopher Walker share surgical and restorative techniques as well as a new fluorescence system to fix a “gummy smile” due to altered passive eruption.

The ABCs of Occlusion and Articulation: Reducing Positive Errors for Fewer Adjustments

Mr. Thomas E. Lee discusses basic occlusion and articulation concepts that are necessary even if a clinician is using a digital workflow. He presents many concepts which serve as new material to some and a refresher to others.

VIEWPOINT: Insurance-Free Dentistry 101

FOCUS ON: Financial Survival Guide for Dentists

Sam Shamardi, DMD, shares a few highlights from his book to help early career dental professionals establish a solid business foundation for their careers.