Table of Contents

June 2017

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Digital Technologies: A Roundtable Discussion on Changing the Face of Dentistry

Tarun Agarwal, DDS; Scott D. Ganz, DMD; and Gerard Kugel, DMD, MS, PhD, participate in an informative round-table discussion (led by Paul Feuerstein, DMD) on the present and future state of digital technology versus optimal patient care.

Proper Preparation for Prosthetically Driven Implants: CBCT Diagnosing and Surgical Protocol

Timothy Kosinski, DDS, showcases the best ways to prepare for prosthetically driven implants, including diagnosis using CBCT.

Failure Followed by a Successful Outcome
Edward R. Kusek, DDS, shares how he handled a challenging clinical case involving dental implant prosthetic options.

Single-Unit Cement-Retained Implant Restorations: Strategies, Protocols, and Techniques
Todd R. Schoenbaum, DDS; Richard G. Stevenson, DDS; and Alireza Moshaverinia, DDS, MS, PhD, discuss single-unit cement-retained implant crowns, the evidence justifying their use, and protocols and techniques that minimize complications. This article is peer-reviewed and available for 2 hours of CE credit.

Keep the Root and Rebuild the Tooth

James M. Braun, DDS, MS, demonstrates the clinical use of a recently introduced post and core system for the restorative dentist.

The Aesthetic Zone Challenge

George E. Kirtley, DDS, shows how he improved his patient’s smile with a conservative treatment approach.

Practical Laser Applications in General Practice

Richard B. Winter, DDS, highlights how he has integrated C02 laser technology into his practice.

Endodontic Disinfection: The Sonic Advantage

Clifford J. Ruddle, DDS, discusses the importance of active irrigation.

Opportunities and Challenges of a Small Group Practice