Today's Dental News

Lawsuit Filed Against Allcare Dental

A lawsuit filed by the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office claims Allcare Dental pressured customers into purchasing expensive dentures and other dental work.

The lawsuit also claims that customers had no choice but to pay for these procedures in advance. Allcare then applied for credit for its customers to pay for the work. The problem for Allcare was that it did not take the proper precautions to safeguard the money.

This is the latest development for the Buffalo-based dental chain. The company abruptly closed all 38 of its offices earlier this year even though many patients paid up front for dental work they never ended up receiving.

There have been more than 800 complaints filed with the Attorney General Offices’ Health Care section since Allcare shut down. There are some customers that are owed thousands of dollars.

In the lawsuit, there are also claims that Allcare accepted customers’ payments despite knowing, or probably should have known, there was no conceivable way the dental work could be completed.

There was also an assortment of other claims in the lawsuit, including Allcare being accused of being involved in deceptive business practices.

A year ago, the company operated 52 locations and employed 772 people in 15 states. Allcare consolidated to 38 offices before shutting down.