Cutbirth, Steven T.

Dr. Cutbirth is certified to administer both intravenous (IV) and oral sedation for all dental procedures. Prior to his training in complex restorative dentistry, including implants, cosmetic dentistry, and the treatment of facial pain (TMJ), Dr. Cutbirth attained his IV certification through the completion of a 2-year oral surgery fellowship at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, Tex. He completed all continuums at the L. D. Pankey Institute in Florida and served for more than 20 years as a member of the Pankey Institute Teaching Faculty in Florida. He has presented technical lectures to the Texas Dental Association, ADA, Yankee Dental Congress, Hinman Meeting, 5-State Arizona Midwest Meeting, Dallas Midwinter, several international dental meetings, and various other state society meetings. In addition to his Waco dental practice, Dr. Cutbirth serves as the Director of the Center for Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry (CARD) in Dallas, an advanced, hands-on, teaching center for practicing dentists.

Lecture Topics





Bonded Composites

Clear Correct Orthodontics

Sleep Apnea Appliances

Restoration of Complex Dental Cases

Increasing Vertical Dimension

Mini-Implant Secured Dentures

2024 Lecture Highlights
Dr. Cutbirth maintains 2 online training platforms: “The Dental Minute” on YouTube and