DiGangi, Patti

Patti DiGangi, RDH, BS
1530 W. Joann Lane
Addison, IL 60101

P: (630) 292-1473

Ms. DiGangi is a National Speaker’s Association Certified Speaking Professional candidate and a key opinion leader for multiple manufacturers. She is a certified Health Information Technology trainer and a member of the American Health Information Management Association and the Dental Software Adviser advisory board, taking an active role in shaping the changes in our electronic world. She holds a publishing license with the ADA for current dental terminology and is an ADA Evidence Based Champion. She teaches solutions to help participants discover ways to protect and enhance their brains and ultimately be more effective in treating patients. In 2013, her first book, DentalCodeology: More Than Pocket Change was published. It was written to prepare clinicians for soon coming interoperable electronic health records. DentalCodeology: Diagnostic Coding and Medical Necessity is also available. Ms. DiGangi recently received the Sonicare/RDH Magazine Mentor of Distinction award at the 2013 ADHA 100th Anniversary.

Lecture Topics
CDT Coding

Medical Necessity

Periodontal Classifications and Diagnosis



2023 Lecture Highlights
Please contact for complete lecture schedule.