Droter, John R.

Dr. Droter graduated magna cum laude from the University of Maryland Dental School in 1985 wanting to gain more understanding of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems. His quest for an understanding has led him to study most notably at the LD Pankey Institute, the Center for Advanced Dental Study with Drs. Peter Dawson and Mark Piper, the University of Florida’s Facial Pain Center with Drs. Parker Mahan, Henry Gremillion, and Frank Dolwick, the University of California (San Diego) with Dr. Terry Tanaka, and with Dr. Guy Haddix in Statesville, NC. Dr. Droter maintains a private practice diagnosing facial pain in the Washington, DC, and Baltimore/Annapolis areas. He provides nonsurgical TMJ rehabilitation for those patients with damaged joints and has network of excellent physicians and therapists when problems other than the TMJ are the cause. He is a visiting faculty member at the LD Pankey Institute in Florida and the Spear Educational Center in Arizona. In the past he was a visiting faculty member at the Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC, teaching TMD to the orthodontic residents and was on staff at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, where he did rounds with orthopedic surgeons, learning the medical approach to damaged joints. He lectures nationally and is honored to be included in the Dentistry Today’s Leaders in Continuing Education. His writings include published articles on the TMJ, a TMJ manual written for patients, and a chapter in the TekScan textbook. Visit Dr. Droter’s website, jrdroter.com for more information.

Lecture Topics:
TMD for the GP
2023 Lecture Highlights:
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