Dr. Alan Goldstein graduated from the City College of New York before receiving his dental degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in 1968. He holds leadership positions as well as a mastership with the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD). Dr. Goldstein is a founding member of the newly formed Dental Coaches Association, a uniquely qualified group of certified dental coaches (dentalcoachesassociation.com). He maintains both a general dental practice as well as a coaching practice in New York City. He is a frequent contributor to the dental literature and publishes regularly in the Journal of Laser Dentistry and Dentistry Today, and serves on the editorial board of both publications. He is also the former editor of the ALD’s publication, Wavelengths. Certified as a professional coach in 2001, he often addresses audiences on topics of personal effectiveness, fulfillment, and leadership. He presents the use of lasers in dentistry and the areas of coaching/practice management.