Goldstep, Fay

Dr. Goldstep is a consultant to a number of dental companies and maintains a private practice in Toronto, ON, Canada. She is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists, International Academy of Dental-Facial Esthetics, American Society for Dental Aesthetics, and Academy of Dentistry International. Dr. Goldstep has served on the teaching faculties of the postgraduate programs in aesthetic dentistry at the State University of New York at Buffalo and the Universities of Florida (Gainesville), Minnesota (Minneapolis), and Missouri-Kansas City. She has been a contributing author to 4 textbooks and has published more than 100 articles. Dr. Goldstep sits on the editorial board of Oral Health Magazine (healing/preventive dentistry), Dental Tribune (US edition), and Dental Asia. She has been a featured speaker in the ADA Seminar Series and has lectured at the ADA, Yankee Dental Congress, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, AGD, and Big Apple Dental conferences. She has lectured internationally on proactive/minimal intervention dentistry, soft-tissue lasers, electronic caries detection, healing dentistry, and innovations in hygiene. She has been named one of the leaders in continuing education by Dentistry Today since 2002.

Lecture Topics:
Proactive Intervention Dentistry

Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Bioactive Restorative Materials

The Oral-Systemic Link


2023 Lecture Highlights:
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