Hyman, Mark E.

Dr. Hyman is a renowned dentist from Greensboro, NC, and a public speaker whose work is characterized by his warmth, enthusiasm, sense of humor, and passion for dentistry. As an accomplished seminar speaker, he has lectured throughout North America and Europe at every major dental meeting. Dr. Hyman has earned national and international recognition for his seminars. Since 2001, Dentistry Today has selected Dr. Hyman as one of the top speakers in dentistry. He loved his 32 years in private practice and currently serves as an adjunct full professor and special assistant to the office of the dean at the University of North Carolina Adams School of Dentistry in Chapel Hill.

Lecture Topics:
Diagnosis/Treatment Planning

Practice Management



Practice Transition

2023 Lecture Highlights:
Jan 13: Wake Forest University Department of Dentistry; Winston Salem, NC

Jan 20: University of North Carolina Adams School of Dentistry (UNC ASOD); Chapel Hill, NC

Feb 23-25: Chicago Dental Society 158th Midwinter Meeting; Chicago, Ill

Mar 10: Arkansas State Dental Meeting; Little Rock, Ark

Mar 16-18: Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting; Atlanta, Ga

Apr 27-28: Think Big Seminar; Chapel Hill, NC

Jul 31- UNC ASOD; Chapel Hill, NC

Sep 21-23: Virginia State Dental Association; Norfolk, Va

Oct 26: UNC ASOD; Chapel Hill, NC