Molinari, John A.

Dr. Molinari is Professor Emeritus at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry, where he served for 32 years as Chairman of Biomedical Sciences and Director of Infection Control. He has also been Director of infection Control at the Dental Advisor in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he was involved in research studying new infection control technologies and products. He has published over 500 scientific articles, text chapters, and abstracts in the areas of microbiology and immunology, and lectures nationally and internationally on topics dealing with infectious diseases and infection control. Dr. Molinari is co-author of the text Cottone’s Practical Infection Control in Dentistry, as well as a founding member and President of OSAP. He has served as a consultant for the CDC, ADA Council on Scientific Affairs, Council on Dental Practice, and regional hospitals.

Lecture Topics:
Infection Control and OSHA During and After COVID-19

Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases

Vaccine Updates


Waterborne Microbial Infections

Occupational Respiratory Diseases

2024 Lecture Highlights:
Please contact leader for complete lecture schedule.