Taxin, Christine

With more than 20 years of experience as a consultant, Ms. Taxin’s passion is improving practice performance and increasing profitability through communication, team training, and goal setting. She is a member of the Speaking Consulting Network and the Academy of Dental Management Consultants. She is a Fellow of the Implant Association of Dental Implant Auxiliaries. She is an adjunct instructor at the New York University Dental School and teaches in the residency programs at Maimonides Medical Center and Jamaica Hospital (NY). Her clients and workshop attendees benefit from her expertise in administration, internal and external marketing, financial planning, and insurance billing. Also, she has expanded her programs to an online school for medical billing in dentistry. Ms. Taxin’s Links2Success dental management and consulting service is PACE certified. This past year, she was asked to teach at Harvard Dental School as well. She is accredited by PACE and has announced credentialing through the AMA for cross coding. The tests will be part of QPro with credentialing through the AMA.

Lecture Topics:
Medical Billing

Chart Auditing and Compliance

2023 Lecture Highlights:
Jan 26: Yankee Dental Conference: Boston

Feb 3-4: 4th Insurance Extravaganza; Orlando FL

May 4-5: Texas Dental Assoc; San Antonio, TX

May 12-13: Inland Dental conference; Spokane, WA

Sep 21: Ohio Dental Assoc

Oct 20: Michigan Dental Assoc.

Please contact leader for full schedule