The lack of and quality of local talent for hire by dental implant practices is being reported throughout North America.
Big Case Marketing (https://www.bigcasemarketing.com/), the leading specialty dental advertising agency serving dental implant practices in Canada and the U.S.A., announces fully Remote Sales Teams assignable to and for use by clients where local staffing shortages negatively impact dental implant practice’s advertising success.
These professionally trained and quality monitored remote salespersons are assigned to local dental implant practices to permanently solve issues with the live answering of inbound sales calls from advertising, to maximize consultation bookings from ads, and to manage sales process through professional case presentation.
Agency founder, Dr. James McAnally, solved this intractable issue for dental implant practices after listening to long-term clients relate hiring frustrations, and after seeing multiple new clients delay advertising campaign launches just from a lack of sales staff.
“We surveyed 2,000 dental implant practice owners, and 90% said sales staffing is interfering with existing advertising or directly stopping the pursuit of new cases via new advertising. We’ve always been able to generate prospective implant patients for our clients and yes staffing issues have always existed, but today’s epic crisis demands a new solution which is what we’ve created.”
90% of inbound sales calls are answered live on the first ring in from advertising (compared to typical practice live answer rates of 32-40%), there is structured ongoing lead follow-up, and pre-consult screening and qualifying occurs with each prospect booked via a structured in-depth pre-appointment interview using proven sales process steps.
The overriding unique selling proposition of the Remote Sales Team compared to all other options is that the team guarantees that each patient’s financial support person (e.g., spouse, significant other, etc.) are in attendance at the full arch dental implant case presentation; a critical factor in dental implant case sales.
Big Case Marketing uses traditional and digital media to deliver sufficient prospect inquiries for dental implant practices desiring to meet a specific full arch implant case goal each month. The Remote Sales Team option is available for new clients considering agency services and for practices with verifiable lead flows who desire a long-term sales staffing solution.
Every new advertising client location goes through a proprietary 21-point implant practice analysis, local competitive advertising is researched, evaluated, and scored, and advertising costs specific to total arch monthly goals, based on our more than 15 years of campaign histories, are provided for every practice.
About Big Case Marketing
Big Case Marketing is the longest in existence, full-service ad agency, sales consultancy, and provider of fully trained professional remote sales teams serving dental implant practices throughout the U.S. and Canada.
‘We generate implant patient prospects and we sell cases into treatment for our clients.’
FEATURED IMAGE CREDIT: Srini Vasan from Pixabay.