Technology Today


MacPractice Interoperating with MacPractice Apps for iPad and iPhone

MacPractice DDS is best-of-class dental practice management software for dentists who prefer
to use Apple technology in their office. Our “patient-centric” AND “practice-centric”
software is the simplest, most elegant, and most powerful practice management software
with the lowest TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). As a complete and comprehensive solution
to run your practice, MacPractice DDS features integrated administrative, billing, and clinical
features in a single database. MacPractice makes it possible for patients to participate in streamlining
registration by entering their own information into MacPractice Patient Check In, Clipboard and
iEHR Apps for iPad.

MacPractice DDS delivers the highest quality software at a reasonable cost. And our full spectrum
of integrated ONC-ACB 2014 Edition Certified software, hardware solutions, and associated remote
and onsite support services equip a modern practice for success.

Learn about MacPractice the company, MacPractice DDS and MacPractice Certified Products and Services,
Hear from dentists using MacPractice, register for an introductory webinar and view demo videos at Year End Specials!

Some features of MacPractice DDS include:

  1. Digital Radiography
  2. MacPractice Check In, Clipboard, and iEHR for iPad
  3. MacPractice EDR
  4. Attachments
  5. Schedule
  6. Inventory

MacPractice is Simplicity in Practice

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