Todays Dental News

CBCT Guided Surgery: Accurate, Predictable, and Economical

Charles D. Schlesinger, DDS, explains why CBCT guided surgery should be considered an integral part of predictable and successful implant placement in this exclusive continuing education article, which you can receive two continuing education hours for reading. Learning objectives include:

  • Gain an understanding of the importance of CBCT technology in the placement of dental implants, how CBCT differs from conventional CT technology, and the types of surgical guides that can be fabricated using this technology.
  • Learn about the accuracy that can be accomplished using guided surgical techniques and be able to describe the difference between keyed and keyless instrumentation.
  • Know the advantages of proprietary versus generic guided surgical kits.
  • Learn how planning software works and how a surgical guide is made.

For the full article and CE credits, visit

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