Todays Dental News

Child has 80 Teeth Removed from Jaw

A child in India had more teeth than he bargained for.

The boy recently had 80 teeth removed from his jaw to alleviate pain he was experiencing. The boy has odontoma and underwent a four-hour procedure to take the teeth out of his upper jaw.

The boy had surgery just a few days after he developed dental pain. The boy was diagnosed with an abscess in his upper jaw and later investigation identified a severe case of odontoma. The doctors planned the procedure shortly after the diagnosis, which included draining the abscess, in addition to removing the teeth.

This type of procedure has previously been done in India. Last summer a 17-year-old boy had 232 teeth taken out of his jaw.

Odontoma is a rare condition that happens when a tumor develops in the gums or jaw. The result is the formation of many tooth-like objects.