exocad announced that licensees can book individual training sessions with exocad’s technical help desk staff. Customers can select from a variety of training topics, including DentalCAD core basics, latest software release feature highlights, system checkups, module tutorials, and more.

“We’re delighted to provide basic and advanced courses to new users, as well as long-time customers who want to deepen their CAD design skills and familiarize themselves with the capabilities of exocad’s DentalCAD software,” said Michael Kohnen, global head of application support and education at exocad. “Our personalized training was developed to help exocad customers to build their digital expertise and improve final restoration design.”
exocad software users can purchase courses through the exocad webshop: shop.exocad.com. Courses run from 60 minutes to 12 hours, depending on the topic and complexity. Training sessions are offered in English and German, with more languages to follow. Participants receive certificates after successful completion of the course.
About exocad
exocad GmbH, an Align Technology, Inc. company, is a leading dental CAD/CAM software provider. exocad vigorously pushes the boundaries of digital dentistry, providing flexible, reliable, and easy-to-use CAD/CAM software for dental labs and dental practices worldwide. More than 50,000 valued customers plan implants and create functional and refined restorations with exocad’s DentalCAD, ChairsideCAD and exoplan software. exocad and DentalCAD, among others, are trademarks of exocad GmbH or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies, and are registered in the U.S. and other countries.
For more information and a list of exocad reseller partners, please visit exocad.com.