Todays Dental News

Help Say Thank You To Our Heroes With Freedom Day USA on October 14th

How can we say thank you to our military and their families for their sacrifice?

This is the question Freedom Day USA Founder, Dr. Robert Martino, asked himself and the answer has grown into a National Thank You Movement.  “It started out as a normal morning. I was in the shower and grumbling about all the stuff I had to do that day. Then I heard a song on the radio by Lonestar titled “I’m Already There.” But this version was different. Over the song’s lyrics were messages of military family members describing how they missed their loved ones overseas. In these voices, I fully realized the sacrifices they make for our country. Wiping away tears, I decided we needed to do more to help our troops and their families.”    

The result of that decision is Freedom Day USA. We wanted this to be a national “thank you” movement. Because Dr. Martino is a dentist, the event began in dental offices across the country who gave military families and veterans a day of dental care at no cost… whether it’s cleanings, extractions or fillings. Initially, the idea was to do this in Martino’s seven dental offices in West Virginia, but that changed when he met with a group of peers in the Platinum Circle. He explained the idea and showed them the official Freedom Day USA video that goes with the Lonestar song and they eagerly jumped on board.

Since then, things have really taken off. Freedom Day has gone national and expanded beyond dentistry. In addition, the event has received recognition and inquiries from 60 Minutes, the O’Reilly Factor, the Wounded Warrior Project and a member of Congress who sits on the House Armed Services Committee. In the last nine years business have given over 20 Million dollars of free services to veterans, military members and their families.

If you’ve been looking for a way to give back to our Military and show your appreciation of their Service to our Country and the sacrifices both they and their families have made for our freedoms – you need to consider joining Freedom Day USA! There is no cost to join and to be a part of Freedom Day. You only have to see one veteran, military member, or military member’s family for free that day.

This year’s Freedom Day is October 14th and you can easily sign up at  

Once you sign up, you will get an electronic welcome packet that explains how to have a successful Freedom Day.

“We have been celebrating Freedom Day USA for the last nine years and it is the one day my staff looks forward to the most.” Martino added. “The news comes and we really get to show our veterans and their families how much we appreciated them. It is a great feeling to give back to them”


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