Todays Dental News

Ozone Antiseptic Could Treat Gum Infections

A new antiseptic may have what it takes to treat periodontitis or gum infections.

A study explored the impact of ozone nanobubble water against the two main bacterial agents that produce periodontitis. The substance, also known as NBW3, was also studied to determine its toxicity to human oral tissue cells.

The data indicated that NBW3 can kill periodontal pathogens within 30 seconds of exposure and has a low impact on the viability of oral tissue after 24 hours of exposure. This is why the researchers concluded this substance could be used to treat periodontitis.

Further research is necessary because in vitro models cannot completely simulate real-life clinical situations in which oral antiseptics are diluted with saliva.

The traditional first step in periodontitis treatment generally includes mechanical debridement. Antiseptics and antibiotics are used as well. The problem is antibiotic therapies have a downside, including the selectivity of antimicrobial action, possible development of bacteria and possibly a host reaction. The topical use of a low-cost antiseptic is the preferred option for this reason.

Ozone is the other option because of its effective antimicrobial activity against bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. Ozonated water must be used within no more than 10 minutes after production to make sure it’s potent.

In regards to the study, a specific method was created to ensure the ozone nanobubble water was potent. It can maintain its oxidation ability for longer than six months if kept away from exposure to ultraviolet rays. It can be bottled without any issues thanks to its high stability.

In the next phase of the study, the research team would like to analyze whether or not NBW3 can end negative health side effects during periodontal treatment.

The study appeared in the journal Science and Technology of Advanced Materials.