TEN@10 Todays Dental News

Ten @ 10 with Dr. Carlos A. Spironelli Ramos

Our editor-in-chief, Dr. Paul Feuerstein, sits down with Dr. Carlos A. Spironelli Ramos, the author of Dentistry Today’s eBook release, Improving Irrigation and Root Canal Disinfection. They discuss the huge developments in instrumentation used to treat canals that have occurred in the last 20-30 years.

There is a review of instrumentation techniques as well as the importance of complete irrigation, including Dr. Spironelli Ramos’ patented new system. He shows a technique and new instrument that will navigate the liquid along the surface path of the tip to its end, passively, without apical pressure. This allows the operator to insert and activate the liquid without apical pressure, preventing apical extrusion of the irrigant.

Press play to learn more.

For your free download of “Improving Irrigation and Root Canal Disinfection,” please visit https://dentistrytoday.lpages.co/improving-irrigation-and-root-canal-disinfection-ebook-download/.