Todays Dental News

The Top 10 Clinical Articles of 2020

Despite the pandemic, dentists still needed to provide safe and effective care to their patients this year. And our roster of authors had your back, penning thoughtful articles based on their experience to guide you through new clinical techniques. Here are our Top 10 Clinical Articles of 2020, based on reader traffic.

1. Root Resorption: Causes and Remedies by Drs. Stephen Cohen and Ahmed Shawky

2. Closed System Negative Pressure Irrigation: A Serious Inflection Point in Root Canal Cleaning by Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan

3. Vitamin D Deficiency and Early Implant Failure: What Every Clinician Needs to Know by Drs. Richard J. Miron, Michael A. Pikos, and Mark Bishara

4. Full-Arch Implant Surgical and Restorative Considerations: Innovative Digital Workflow Using a Verification Jig With Teeth by Drs. Scott D. Ganz and Isaac Tawil

5. Tooth Repair Using a Bioactive Restorative by Drs. Theodore P. Croll and Nathaniel C. Lawson

6. Treating White Spot Lesions: Protocol for a Professionally Dispensed CPP-ACP Paste by Dr. Ron Kaminer

7. Maxillary Osteotomy Implant Site Preparation: A Less Traumatic and Safer Approach by Drs. Pavel Krastev, Gregori M. Kurtzman, Arun K. Garg, Sherif Radwan, and Kevin Frawley

8. Simple Maxillary Sinus Tenting and Implant Placement by Dr. Stephanie Tilley

9. Doctor-Lab Communication in the Digital Age by Dr. Gary Kaye

10. Light Curing in Restorative Dentistry: The Devil Is in the Details by Dr. Jeff J. Brucia