Todays Dental News

The Wine Group Can Help You Sell Your Dental Practice

Selling your dental practice and/or real estate is among the most important financial decisions you’ll have to make during your career. The Wine Group makes their clients the most amount of money possible by creating a competitive bidding environment, all while maintaining a hassle-free and smooth process.

They are the premier dental practice and real estate sales broker in the country.

The Wine Group will listen to your vision and develop a plan to help you navigate through your transition or real estate sale. TWG has extensive experience in the sale, lease, lease-back, and refinancing of dental real estate and practices throughout the country with both corporate and private tenants.

Their group’s creative approach in structuring the right deal makes them your best option if you are considering a real estate or practice change in today’s uncertain market.

the wine group
IMAGE CREDIT: Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay 

If you are considering an exit strategy now or in the next 10 years, contact Jack Canter & Brian Wine of The Wine Group.