Management Tips

Take Your Cosmetic Practice To The Next Level

Harvey Silverman, DMD

In this edition of Silverman On Smiles: Cosmetic Dentistry SOS I want to encourage you to consider the benefits of offering noninvasive veneers to your patients. It will make your elective cosmetic dentistry services more affordable while providing them with a beautiful, self-confident smile.

In the last edition in this series I described how a patient presented to the office, curious to learn if veneers could improve his smile. Finances were a concern and he had several job interviews. He has ruled out the possibility of orthodontia and did not like how the size and shape of his maxillary left lateral incisor made it look like he was missing a tooth. He wanted to know what affordable options were available.

The before photo shows the patients maxillary left lateral incisor. At times the patient feels as if it appears he is missing a tooth when he smiles.

Using the proactive approach described in the last article, I asked if he was concerned about some of the same questions other patients had. I listed a few and when I mentioned chipping and eating issues, he replied that he, too, was concerned about chipping and what he could or could not eat. That was great news to me. Now I was able to address what would have been his unexpressed concern and a roadblock to proceeding with treatment. After discussing his concerns, you could see a change in the look in his eyes. He was eager to have the cosmetic dentistry done. Why? Because I removed the hidden objections that stood in his way of saying, “Yes, I want to schedule an appointment.”

LifeLike Veneer done by Dr. Harvey Silverman

The solution: I offered the patient a noninvasive natural looking LifeLike Veneer where I had control of the size, shape, and color. I knew from years of experience that I would have a great challenge trying to have a lab match a single porcelain veneer to the adjacent teeth. In-office veneers also provided an affordable solution for my patient while maintaining optimum gingival health and providing a chameleon affect to blend in beautifully with the adjacent teeth. Since my patient had healthy gum tissue, this technology required only one appointment to place the LifeLike Veneer—and the patient was thrilled with the result. The total time to place this veneer was under one hour and provided the patient with an option to orthodontia to give him the smile he always wanted.

The noninvasive LifeLike Veneer provides a perfect emergence profile while blending in beautifully with the adjacent teeth. While multiple veneers can correct this situation, an individual veneer can often solve challenging problems.

I hope you and your team are ready to enjoy the journey as you prepare to take your cosmetic dentistry program to the next level. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you take your cosmetic practice to the next level.

Dr. Silverman has been successfully coaching dentists on how to expand their cosmetic dentistry practice since 1984. If you want to take your cosmetic practice to the next level or want more information about the Silverman Institute’s 24 Hour Cosmetic Transformation Program, please contact him at (216) 256-4599 or e-mail him at