
The story of DentaPure actually begins with NASA; check out our Technology page for a bit more on that process! Our products have been featured in two editions of Spinoff and we continue to be one of the most successful spinoff companies in the history of the program.
In 1992 the founding members of DentaPure, including Barry Hammarback, our current CEO, noticed that the same technology developed for the Space Shuttle program was being used to provide clean water to troops in Iraq during Desert Storm. A bit of research and a few months of work lead to the creation of DentaPure. Our founding principle, to provide clean, safe water in the simplest possible way, has now made it possible to have this very robust technology in your dental office.
DentaPure differentiates itself in the industry by providing advanced water treatment technology for your dental unit waterlines. While the technology was originally developed by NASA to ensure water consumed in space was free of bacteria, viruses and any other harmful organisms, it is more than that now. Scientists at DentaPure have continued to research and expand on the original NASA technology and now offer several EPA registered antimicrobial waterline products.
With over 17 years in the industry, our commitment to offering a safe, effective and easy solution to dental unit water quality has not changed. All of our clean water solution products meet or exceed ADA and CDC dental unit water quality guidelines. DentaPure is so effective many universities rely on our easy-to-use cartridges for compliance in their clinics.

Today, DentaPure continues to focus on providing outstanding products and service to our customers. Research, development and manufacturing of the DentaPure cartridges are conducted at our Minnesota facility, allowing our dedicated team to provide your office with reliable service, exceptional quality control and customized solutions to your dental unit water quality. As a team and as a company we continue to focus on safe, easy-to-use, science-based solutions for providing exceptional water quality in your dental office.