Table of Contents

March 2021

A Conservative Approach to Immediate Bone Grafting

Dr. Sam Simos shares a case report that showcases a dentin grinder for autogenous bone grafts.

Solving a True Aesthetic Dilemma: A Case Report

Dr. Marvin A. Fier explains how he did the minimal work needed to give a young person the confidence to smile for her school photos.

Solving Aesthetic Challenges With Mixed Restorations

Dr. Paola Ochoa shows how she treated several failed restorations and darkened teeth using a combination of crowns and veneers.

The Changing Face of Aesthetic Dentistry
Dr. Caroline Thomas examines an upward trend in the number of young male patients seeking better smiles.

Restoring Function With Prosthetically Driven Implants

Dr. Daryl Burke shares an implant case that required careful planning to achieve an outcome that would please both the treatment team and the patient.

Intuitive Rotary Instrumentation

Drs. Anne L. Koch and Allen Ali Nasseh discuss various blend techniques that utilize the ideal properties of each type of rotary file.

Artificial Intelligence and Its Use in Dentistry

Focus On: Using Technology in a Post-Pandemic World