Table of Contents

March 2022

Ceramic Dental Implants Where Aesthetics Matter: A Healthy, Natural-Looking, and Long-Lasting Fixed Solution for Edentulism

Drs. Varo Boyer and Saurabh Gupta demonstrate how zirconia implants have an advantage with improved aesthetics, especially in cases of thin bone or thin gingival biotypes.

Guided Implant Surgery and Attached Gingiva

Dr. Timothy F. Kosinski goes over basic implant treatment planning techniques making full use of the digital technology available to us. He also takes a look at the periodontal conditions that are critical in the ultimate success of the case.

Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry: Creating Aesthetics for the Young Cosmetic Dental Patient in the Social Media Era

Dr. Wynn H. Okuda shares a case using direct restoratives to develop an immediate result and a satisfied patient.

Management of Compound Fractured Coronal Tooth Structure: Reattaching Fractured Segments

Drs. Vivek Pathak, Amil Sharma, Gregori M. Kurtzman, and Himani Lau look at the possibility of reattaching broken anterior tooth fragments in lieu of rebuilding with restorative materials.

Congenital Growth Defect and Missing Teeth: A Conservative Aesthetic Rehabilitation in an Adolescent

Drs. Andrew Boyd, Klenis Paranhos, and David H. Seligman outline a conservative provisional treatment of a significantly impaired patient with congenitally missing teeth using lower-cost composite materials, digital scanning, and CAD/CAM restorations.

VIEWPOINT: Pediatric Airway in a Dental Setting

FOCUS ON: Pharmacology

Paul Feuerstein, DMD, editor-in-chief of Dentistry Today, talks with 2 practicing oral surgeons,
Jay Reznick, DMD, MD, and John Roberson, DMD, about pharmacology and
a new webcast they have introduced to the profession.