2017 Chicago Midwinter Meeting

Mavrik Introduces New Way to Whiten in the Dental Office

At the 2017 Chicago Midwinter Meeting, Mavrik has introduced a revolutionary new in-office whitening system that improves the process for both dentists and patients. Compared to the current industry standard, which requires manual mixing and application, Mavrik’s machine controls the procedure from start to finish, eliminating the need for the dentist to touch the material or protect the patient’s gums.

Using Mavrik’s patented gum guard, the patient can be ready for the procedure in fewer than 30 seconds. The mouthpiece is then inserted, and a negative pressure "vacuum" is formed. Mavrik’s system essentially "shrink-wraps" the teeth, allowing for whitening on tooth surfaces, not just the front. Because teeth are translucent, this allows for more visible results. Also, all teeth, up to and including molars, can be whitened, not just the smile-line.

The procedure comprises 10 six-minute cycles followed by a one-minute "jacuzzi wash." Built-in sensors control the flow rate, vacuum, and temperature, maintaining a comfortable and efficient 56° C. When the whitening is complete, the machine washes away any waste, and the dentist has not had to handle any materials during the procedure.

Mavrik has done 50 clinical trials, with patients reporting minimal to zero sensitivity. The company is looking to expand in the future to other delivery systems for the mouth, including essential oils and aloe vera, as well as a triple-action desensitizer. For more information, visit mavrikdental.com.