Table of Contents

May 2010

Clinical Update
  • Chlorhexidine Effects on Resin Bond Strength
    A rescent study by Zhou, et al in vestigated the potential of adverse effects of chlorhexidine application in a 2-step self-etching adhesive on the immediate resin-dentin bond strength.
  • Common Stomach Bacteria And Pancreatic Cancer
    Yale University researchers have discovered that colonization by the common stomach bacteria Helicobacter pylori in people with non-O blood types is associated with a nearly 3-fold increased risk of pancreatic cancer. 
  • Craniofacial Pain and Gene Manipulation
    Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University’s School of Dentistry used an animal model to discover a protein that is involved in craniofacial pain signaling.
  • Milnacipran and Orofacial Pain
    An article by Ito, et al evaluated the effect of milnacipran for treating chronic pain in the orofacial region, including burning mouth syndrome and atypical odontalgia. 
  • Oral Health and Childhood Obesity
    A study by Modéer, et al published in the journal Obesity tested the hypothesis that childhood obesity is associated with reduced flow rate of stimulated whole saliva and dental caries.
Dental Products
First Impressions

Lip & Perioral Aesthetics
Product Focus