Medidenta International, Inc.


3923 62nd Street
Woodside, NY 11377
Toll Free #: 800.221.0750
Fax #: 718.565.6208


Medidenta’s roots go back to 1944 BI (Before Internet) when Medidenta Dental Supplies was founded by the Benton Family which imported quality dental products from Europe. The first office was on 56th Street and 6th Avenue in New York City and eventually moved to its present office in Woodside. The Medidenta product line started as an importer/distributor of innovative products such as Acrylic jacket crowns and pre fabricated posts and the product range continuously expanded from there. The most significant breakthrough came in 1969 when Medidenta introduced the Giromatic® the first automated device for root canal therapy. During the 1970’s Medidenta and an army of teaching dentists promoted automated endodontics to the American dentists via “Hands on” training seminars all across the USA. Throuout the years Medidenta continued to introduce significant product innovations that enhanced the quality of dentistry for both the patient and dental practitioner. Some of those innovations listed below have become the standard of care in dentistry.

Root canal cleaning device using acoustic waves and irrigation
Irrigation devices to enhance osseointegration of dental implants
Quarter turn technology for splatter free prophylaxis
Simplified and compact high torque dental motors
Variable torque electric motors with precision control
Hybrid multi stage motor with 6 pre-selected speeds
Simplified Intraligamentary anesthesia devices
Surgical High speed drills for oral & maxi facial surgery techniques
Medicated Gutta Percha with antibacterial characteristics
Since 1944 BI Medidenta.Com has morphed into a boutique of dental products where we dare to be different. Since our founding in the 1940’s many companies have become defunct or swallowed up by those larger impersonal operations but MEDIDENTA has indeed survived the test of time and competition and remains totally committed and relentless to deliver innovative quality products with superior customer service bar none!

Our service technicians and customer service advocates are always ready to assist you whether it be needing a handpiece repair sent overnight, filling your order for the products you routinely use, a product inquiry and any technical support. Customer satisfaction is our main priority and we want your MEDIDENTA.COM experience to be rewarding and pleasant. Our website e-store allows you to browse our product catalog or place your order 24 hours a day. We look forward to serving all your needs today, tomorrow and well into the foreseeable future.

Robert J. Achtziger
President & CEO