Metal Refining Service Showcases Cutting-Edge Science

metal refining
Scientific Metals provides a wide variety of precious metal refining services primarily for the dental and jewelry industries.


Scientific Metals provides a wide variety of precious metal refining services primarily for the dental and jewelry industries. The company accepts solids such as crowns, bridges, PFMs, PFGs, inlays, casting sprues and buttons, as well as grindings, floor and bench sweeps, carpets, and filters.

Each lot is melted one at a time and a sample is taken via capillary action through a narrow glass cylinder, called a vacuum pin tube.

metal refining

Scientific Metals provides a wide variety of precious metal refining services primarily for the dental and jewelry industries.

This method is the gold standard and the preferred method for sampling.

It is superior to drill samples as the sample is taken from the molten liquid ensuring a homogeneous sample.

A unique combination of cutting-edge science and age-old skills, Scientific Metals has decades of combined experience melting and refining gold, platinum, palladium, and silver. Scientific Metals is capable of refining (1) floor/polishing sweeps, (2) filters, (3) sink trap sludge, (4) rags, and (5) many other materials that may contain precious metals.

The company’s state-of-the-art incineration systems allow for the burning of material containing precious metals without letting particulate matter out into the environment.

For more information, call Scientific Metals at (888) 949-0008, visit, or email