


3120 Moon Station Road

Kennesaw, GA 30144-2765




Here at MICROCOPY it is our mission to provide a strong sense of satisfaction to each of our customers by offering truly innovative, effective, high-value products. This, combined with a courteous and responsive customer service team, is what keeps our loyal customers coming back and what inspires them to spread the word about our products to their peers.

MICROCOPY has been in the business of serving the dental community for over 40 years. It all started in 1970 when Thom Maass graduated from college and his father Tom Maass Sr. retired from the Air Force and both of them discussed starting a business together. In 1971 they got their start with the purchase of a patent and the introduction of the world’s finest rapid dental x-ray solutions. (In fact, this is where we got our decidedly “non-dental” name of Microcopy. We originally purchased patents for both the x-ray solution and for a process to copy engineering drawings.) INSTA-NEG® and INSTA-FIX® brought not only amazing speed, but also a high level of diagnostic quality that equaled the conventional, slow processing chemistry in use at the time. It was tough going at first with father and son doing both the sales work and the chemical mixing themselves. Soon they were able to add a few key employees and Thom’s wife Martha joined the company as Corporate Secretary and Office Manager. Additional X-ray related products were soon introduced including our own patented INSTA-VELOPER® Portable Darkroom for chairside processing in seconds. We also introduced FLAPS® Film Tabs – soft foam film positioning tabs and TROLLMOUNTS – a superior film mounting system. At this point MICROCOPY had carved out a nice niche business within the dental X-ray field and the future looked quite promising. But with the growth came the realization that much of their sales were from the eastern half of the country and they were also running out of factory space.