Milestone Scientific


Milestone Scientific Inc.
45 Knightsbridge Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854

220 South Orange Avenue
Livingston, NJ 07039

Toll Free: 1-800-862-1125
Phone: 1-973-535-2717
Fax: 1-973-535-2829

The History of Milestone Scientific

Milestone is engaged in pioneering proprietary, highly innovative technological systems and solutions for the medical and dental markets. From its inception, the Company has focused its energy and resources on redefining the global standard of care for injection techniques by making the experience more comfortable for the patient and by reducing the anxiety and stress of giving injections for the healthcare provider.

In 1997, Milestone first introduced The Wand® (CompuDent® system) and disposable Wand handpiece. CompuDent provides painless injections for all routine dental treatments, including root canals, crowns, fillings and cleanings. Milestone’s Computer-Controlled Local Anesthetic Delivery (CCLAD) system does not look like a syringe. It does not feel like a syringe. And, what’s more, it works better than a syringe, resulting in a more pleasant experience for the patient and practitioner.With more than 18,000 CompuDent systems sold within four months of its market introduction, this represented the most successful launch in the history of small equipment sales in U.S. dentistry.

Milestone subsequently expanded its product offerings with the introduction of the CompuMed® advanced injection system, designed for use in a wide range of applications within the Medical industry, including cosmetic surgery, hair restoration surgery, podiatry, colorectal surgery, nasal and sinus surgery, dermatology and orthopedics, among others.

In February 2007, Milestone introduced the STA™ (Single Tooth Anesthesia) System, a patented CCLAD system that incorporates the “pressure feedback” elements of Milestone’s patented CompuFlo technology, thereby allowing dentists to administer injections accurately and painlessly into the periodontal ligament space, effectively anesthetizing a single tooth. This injection is of significant value in that it allows the dentist to profoundly anesthetize the patent within one or two minutes, allowing for a significant savings of waiting time. The patient will suffer neither pain nor collateral anesthesia in the cheek, lips of tongue at any time. The STA System is also capable of performing all of the injections that can be done with a conventional dental syringe, including the palatal-anterior superior alveolar, anterior middle superior alveolar and inferior alveolar nerve block. The STA System achieves all of these injections predictably and reliably. Milestone received FDA 510(k) Pre-market Notification acceptance in August 2006 for the marketing and sale of the highly anticipated STA System.