Industry News

Milling Block Designed for Strength, Aesthetics, and Control

The Celtra Duo (ZLS) high-strength glass milling block from DENTSPLY International includes high glass content and zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate microstructure designed for durability, translucency, and opalescence in natural-looking, single-unit restorations including crowns, inlays, onlays, and veneers.

Also, it is the only material that can be processed in 2 different ways—milled and polished or milled and fired—according to the company. Clinicians, then, have complete control in determining the appropriate solution to apply for each individual restorative case. Celtra Duo (ZLS) can be processed by dry fire as well, eliminating the need for glaze.

The ZLS microstructure comprises fine-grained lithium crystallites. Its 10% zirconia reinforces the glass matrix without clouding while yielding high flexural strength properties for a robust, easily polished block with detailed margins, DENTSPLY International claims. Celtra Duo (ZLS) can be utilized with the same milling units used for all-ceramic restorations, including the inLab MC XL.

“Optimizes aesthetics combined with a two-pathway option in one fully crystalized block enables clinicians to place a durable, naturally shaded, beautiful restoration,” said Dr. Markus Vollmann, DENTSPLY’s director of development and application technologies and creator of Celtra Duo (ZLS).

“With an ultra-fine microstructure, the blocks are milled in a final crystallized state, possessing outstanding polishing properties and allowing the clinician the ability to shade match directly from the milling unit. We have already received remarkable feedback from both clinicians and patients on this revolutionary new restorative solution,” Vollman said.

For more information, call (855) 7-CELTRA or go to

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