Industry News

Millions Learn How to Maximize Their Smile with IPS e.max

Ivoclar Vivadent announces that nearly 50 million Americans have learned how to maximize their smile with the help of a satellite media tour (SMT) featuring Dr. George Tysowsky, Vice President of Technology at Ivoclar Vivadent, and a consumer-friendly and informative web feature news story.
The SMT and web feature are part of an ongoing consumer and patient awareness campaign about the benefits of the IPS e.max metal-free solution for veneers, crowns and other types of restorations. Dr. Tysowsky participated in a combination of 12 live and taped interviews with television and radio stations across the country, reaching more than 15 million viewers/listeners. The web feature, “Make the Most of Your Smile,” has been featured on 160 lifestyle websites and 201 news websites, and reports on how making even a small change can make a big difference in your smile and self-confidence. Dr. Tysowsky’s interviews as well as the web features stress that smile upgrades are scalable in cost and effect, and that patients should first schedule a consultation with their dentist.
“I strongly recommend that patients who are interested in improving their smile to first speak with their dentist about the options available to them,” said Dr. Tysowsky. “Many patients don’t realize how simple and easy it is to make a difference in their daily self-confidence, and that can go a long way.”
For more information about the feature and Ivoclar Vivadent’s consumer and patient education campaign, visit

About Ivoclar Vivadent

Ivoclar Vivadent is a global leader in innovative materials and processes for quality, esthetic dentistry. The company employs over 2500 people and operates in over 100 countries throughout the world.  Ivoclar Vivadent is headquartered in Schaan, Liechtenstein.  Its North American headquarters is based in Amherst, NY. For more information, call 1-800-533-6825 in the U.S., 1-800-263-8182 in Canada.