Modern Dental Material Options


In this issue of Dentistry Today, we are featuring an exclusive interview with one of our distinguished contributing authors and a Dentistry Today Leader in CE, Dr. Kenneth Malament. We are proud to once again engage the mind and experience of this gifted clinician in a brief discussion on all-ceramic material options. On a personal note, I have had a number of informative and spirited interchanges with Ken outside of this interview over the years. I can personally attest that he is a very discerning and opinionated professional who likes to base his material-choice decisions, among the various modern dental material options, on evidence-based data. In addition to the many scientific studies that he regularly reviews and has learned to rely on, I was impressed to learn that he has tracked (and continues to track) the success and failures of the various restorations that he has personally delivered to his patients over many years. So, one quickly learns that Ken is truly passionate about basing decisions on scientific evidence and even his own carefully recorded practice data to provide the best material options to his patients. Now that is dedication to excellence!

Also in this issue, we have a great lineup of clinical articles—a number of which also focus on restorative materials. Dr. David Clark talks about preparation design for modern composite restorations; Dr. Brian Gray discusses a recently introduced composite material that makes the restorative placement process more efficient; Dr. George Kirtley shares how to overcome certain challenges found when treating adults who present with maxillary cuspids in the missing lateral incisor positions; Dr. Joseph Massad et al covers a timely topic that should be at the center of attention of any clinicians involved in implant dentistry, implant hygiene; Dr. Wyatt Simons, in our endodontic article this month, centers his discussion on apex locators; Dr. Lori Trost outlines how she efficiently places quality posterior composite restorations; Dr. Robert Lowe demonstrates the use of modern dental material options for the placement of composite restorations; and Dr. Jonathan Waasdorp shows how he successfully treated an active periapical implant lesion.

Please enjoy reading yet another exciting issue of Dentistry Today!