Mommy Dentists in Business Meet in Chicago

Dr. Grace Yum Zimmerman, founder of Mommy Dentists in Businesses, produces a podcast for the group.


Mommy Dentists in Business is a support group for dentists who are mothers. This unique organization was established by Chicago area pediatric specialist dentist Grace Yum Zimmermann, DDS, MS. It produces podcasts, which feature interviews with clinicians and other experts from a variety of fields. The group held its inaugural meeting in Chicago on September 21, and more than 100 dentists and speakers attended.  

“My inspiration for starting Mommy Dentists in Business was to have a support group for moms in dentistry that wear many different hats. There is so much pressure to ‘do it all,’ we need to surround ourselves with like-minded people that will offer support, encouragement, and advice,” said Yum Zimmerman, who also has written a companion book, Mommy Dentists in Business: Juggling Family Life while Running a Business.

“I am trying to create a group where we can learn together and simply be relevant. I want moms to come to a place where they can ask any question, whether it’s about dentistry or motherhood,” Yum Zimmerman said. “My hope is to create an association to empower moms in dentistry.”

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