More Adults Seeking Orthodontic Treatment


The British Orthodontic Society (BOS) reports that more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment. According to a March 2018 survey, 80% of the orthodontists who responded said they are seeing an increase in private adult treatment. In 2016, 75% reported an increase.

“It’s gratifying to see the number of adults interested in orthodontic treatment continuing to rise,” said Richard George, BOS director of external relations. 

While clear braces are seeing greater use, fixed braces are still the most widely recommended option. In fact, more than 98% of the respondents provide fixed braces on the front of the teeth. More than 75% supply fixed braces with clear brackets, more than 35% supply lingual braces, and more than 75% supply clear aligners. 

“Our members, specialists, and dentists with a special interest offer a range of options for adults, enabling them to provide a solution to any kind of orthodontic problem,” said George. “The value of choice cannot be overestimated.”

Also, more than 10% say these adult patients are influenced by celebrities and bloggers. The patients are most likely to be women between the ages of 26 and 40, though the number of men seeking treatment appears to be rising. The BOS reports that 19% of respondents said half their adult patients were male, compared to 13% in 2016.

The survey was conducted online, and a quarter of BOS’s members participated for a total of 400 responses. Of those who responded, 27% see only National Health Service (NHS) patients, while 67% see both private and NHS patients.

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