Today's Dental News

Mothers Can Impact Children’s Oral Health

A mother’s knowledge is essential to her children’s oral health, according to a new study.

The study determined that mothers who were better at handling stress in their environment had children with better oral health. The study also indicated that mothers with higher maternal factors when her child was age 3 produced better oral health for the child. In addition, there were more dental visits and preventative treatment administered.

The research presumes that mothers with better maternal instincts are better at noticing oral hygiene problems and the dental needs of their children. The impact is that there are lower rates of tooth decay and gum disease.

Maintaining good oral health doesn’t start when a child’s first teeth appear. It begins during pregnancy and that responsibility falls on the mother to maintain good nutrition and oral health.

The study appeared in the Journal of Dental Research. The dental records of 224 teenagers, as well as questionnaires filled out by their mothers, were used to compile the data for the study.