Industry News

Mouthwash Leads the Pack in Breath Freshening Options!

When it comes to fresh breath, 50% of consumers prefer mouthwash, according to DentaVox. Respondents to the recent survey indicated that oral rinses last longer than the next most popular choices, which were mouth sprays at 16% and herbs and candy or mints at 8% each.

According to DentaVox, mouth rinses can fight off morning breath for up to four hours. Gum is widely used, but not enough to crack the survey’s top choices, perhaps because chewing is inappropriate in many situations such as at the workplace, DentaVox said.

When it comes to food, citrus fruits are most effective in freshening breath, the respondents said. On its own or in combination with other substances, DentaVox added, the acid in these fruits can fight off odor by increasing saliva production.

However, 71% of respondents said breath fresheners only cover up odors and don’t actually cure bad breath. Specialists warn that problems such as gum disease and cavities are common causes of bad breath, DentaVox noted.

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