Todays Dental News

Nash Institute Adds Digital Technology to its Full Mouth Reconstruction Course

The Nash Institute announced it has officially added digital technology to its Full Mouth Reconstruction Course on March 24th & 25th, 2023.

Nash institute

“Smile Designs and Rehabilitations Utilizing Analog & Digital Workflows” featuring;

Dr. Ross Nash, DDS, with guest speaker: Dr. Anthony Vocaturo DDS, AAACD, FIADFE, FACE, FAGD.

“The Nash Institute welcomes Dr. Anthony Vocaturo to our faculty,” says Ross Nash and Debra Engelhardt-Nash.

We now teach our techniques in both digital and analog workflow methods utilizing today’s newest technologies.

Dr. Ross Nash and Dr. Anthony Vocaturo will be lecturing on Smile Designs and Rehabilitations Utilizing Analog & Digital Workflows at our Full Mouth Reconstruction Course.

The course is a step by step how to design smiles utilizing a complete digital workflow. You will be shown how to restore beautiful smiles, open a closed vertical bite, temporization, and be the FIRST to learn about “OneBite Evolution.” OneBite Evolution is a craniofacial spatial arrangement via digital and analog. You will also learn how to integrate your dental scanner, CBCT, and facial scanners to communicate with your dental lab and patients.

To register for this course, visit or call 704-766-0025.