Table of Contents

Nov/Dec 2022

Temporary Gingival Retraction and Moisture Management

Dr. Sam Simos looks at how the clinical techniques and products used for gingival retraction and hemostasis remain critical to the success of crown, bridge, and other restorative treatments.

Ridge Expansion Osteotomy: A Combination Technique

Drs. Jason Kim, Chanan Lerer, Kevin Murawski, Howard J. Drew, and Emil Cappetta note that implant placement poses a serious challenge for the surgeon when attempting to restore severely atrophic alveolar ridges, especially in the maxillary aesthetic area. Within the realm of horizontal ridge augmentation and split-ridge procedures, there are many new instruments and innovative techniques to maximize their success and provide predictable outcomes.

Improving Irrigation and Root Canal Disinfection

Dr. Carlos A. Spironelli Ramos presents a discussion about the importance of irrigation in endodontics and describes a system that combines the 3 paramount fundamentals of irrigation and disinfection in the canal’s intricate anatomy.

Smooth-Surface Dental Caries and Decalcification: Restoration and Reinforced Sealant Application

Drs. Theodore P. Croll, Joshua A. Bresler, and Gerald A. Ferretti share 2 examples of teens with buccal surface lesions and pictorials of each case that show the treatments of the affected buccal surfaces.

Expansive Aligner Therapy and Minimally Invasive Bio-Rejuvenation Dentistry

Dr. Hal R. Stewart presents a case of crowded dental arches resulting in facial muscle symptoms as well as less-than-ideal airway dimensions. The case was treated with expansive clear aligner therapy followed by minimally invasive additive composite occlusal rehabilitation.

FOCUS ON: Oral Cancer

Jaisri R. Thoppay, DDS, MBA, MS, discusses the assessment and management of oral lesions.

VIEWPOINT: Can New-Patient Calls Be Your Best Marketing?