Industry News

NYSDA Pledges $50,000 To “Vote Yes on 2” Campaign in Massachusetts

The New York State Dental Association (NYSDA) has voted to support proposed legislation in Massachusetts that would ensure patient dollars are spent on patient care.

Question 2, on Massachusetts’s state ballot next month, if passed, would require insurance companies to spend at least 83% of patient premiums on patient care rather than employee compensation, corporate profits and administrative costs.

NYSDA Pledges $50,000 To “Vote Yes on 2” Campaign in Massachusetts

A $50,000 pledge from NYSDA is a symbolic gesture of solidarity with this proposed legislation.  The New York State Association joins a growing list of dental organizations, including the American Dental Association, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Massachusetts Dental Society and Massachusetts Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, among others, to endorse the ballot.

Greg Hill, executive director of NYSDA, says this could be a starting point for transforming dental care in neighboring states like New York.

“We are happy to support Massachusetts knowing that organized dentistry can shape the profession moving forward.  We are also monitoring this initiative to determine the feasibility of something similar for New York.” said Hill.

The MLR, or “Medical Loss Ratio” reform proposed would require dental insurance companies in Massachusetts to submit yearly reports on how they’re spending patient premiums.  Under current law in Massachusetts and New York, dental insurance companies, unlike standard medical insurance companies, are not required to do so.

Should question 2 garner enough “yes” votes, any excess amount of patient premiums not spent on patient care in line with the 83% threshold must be refunded to the patient by the insurance company.

“This ensures that patient dollars are spent on patient care, plus it brings forth greater accountability and transparency on behalf of the insurance companies.” says Hill.

The ballot will be voted on in Massachusetts during the general election November 8.  To date, no similar proposed legislation exists in New York.

About the New York State Dental Association

The New York State Dental Association, founded in 1868, is one of the largest state constituents of the American Dental Association and represents more than 70 percent of dentists practicing in New York State. Founded in 1859, the American Dental Association is the oldest and largest national dental society in the world and serves as the leading source of oral health-related information for dentists and their patients.

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